Book Blogger Test

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Book Blogger Test
Oh, Hey! I've been tagged! Thank you Alia of Ponderings of Psyche for tagging me!

What are your top three book pet hates?

  •  I definitely do NOT like having the slightest crease in my books' spines!! (I'll make exemptions with second hand books 'cuz there's nothing you can do)
  • Dog-eared pages, moldy pages creased pages and discolored pages? HELL NO!
  • When I buy books I only get the ones in the best condition, otherwise I'll pass it up.

Describe your perfect reading spot:

A comfortable couch with the fan turned to low and the side table's lamp on, and most of the
ceiling lights on as well. A hot cup of tea by my side and time on my hands.
I'd prefer to be alone when I read, there's no one there to interrupt me and I tend to smile and grin and make a lot of side-comments when I read a book in private. XD

Tell us your three book confessions:
  • 1.) I gave up on Suzanne Collins's Mockingjay halfway through and I still haven't finished it.

  • 2.) I often judge books by their covers and names.

  • 3.) I think Octavian from the Heroes of Olympus series (Rick Riordan) is Ok.

When was the last time you cried while reading a book?

Sad to say, I've never cried while reading a book. A little teary-eyed, maybe, but full-on tears? Never. the Harry Potter series and The Selection series got close.

What is your favorite snack while reading?

Anything that isn't greasy or anything that won't damage my pages when I hold my book again. (Gum, Candy, etc,.etc.)

Name three books that you would recommend to everyone:

  • 1.) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling (This is what introduced me to fandoms and to reading fiction in general)

  • 2.) The Selection by Kiera Cass (I became interested in Chick-Lit and romance because of this!!)

  • 3.)The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (Its movie-adaptation is currently the only movie where I bawled my eyes out! XD)
Show us a picture of your favorite bookshelf on your bookcase!

This was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made. (This week, anyway! XD) So I just made a new shelf and put my favorites in it! :D I'm basically cheating 'cuz this pic is of two shelves!

Write how much books means to you in just three words:

Life-changing Magick

What is your biggest reading secret?

I think the Twilight series (Stephanie Meyers) sucks and I got bored in the middle of Insurgent and Allegiant (By Veronica Roth) but finished both of them anyway.

I am tagging:


Feather of Bibliophile Feather

Anette of Anette the Wicked
Jayvee of Writer for Misfits

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